
Floria’s face twisted Hermes handbags

Floria’s face twisted with guilt that should not have been. Maybe Floria was immune to permanent infection by the mindrot, like many of the Qeng Ho. Or maybe not. Tomas needed at least as many free as Focused, else the system would die the death of details. Qiwi opened her mouth to explain, but Floria wasn’t listening. “I lived with that.cheap Hermes handbags  And I kept track of Luan. They Focused her on theirart . Watch-on-Watch, she and her gang carved out those friezes on Hammerfest.

I’ve known you for more than a year of shared Watch, and this is the first time there’s been any hint you felt this way. . . .” Floria released Qiwi’s hand, and wiped at the tears that still stood in her eyes. Her voice was almost under control. “Yeah. Before, I could always keep a lid on it. ‘Lie low,’ I told myself, ‘and be a proper little conquered Peddler.’ We’re naturally good at that, don’t you think?

Maybe it comes from having the long view. But now. . .You know I had a sister in-fleet?” “No.”I’m sorry. There had been so many Qeng Ho in the fleet before the fighting, and little Qiwi had known so few. “Luan was a wild card, not too bright, but good with people. . .the sort a wise Fleet Captain throws in the mix.” A smile came close to surfacing, then drowned in bleak remembrance. “I have a doctorate in chemical engineering, but they Focused Luan and left me free. It should have beenme, but they took her instead.”

