
She was glad to Hermes handbags

She was glad to see he was mail-clad again. He, at least, would not be overheated by his armor. He was followed by maids with trays, a welcome sight, and Goram, considerably recovered, with a pile of Illvin's clothing and war gear. Ista's party seized on the contents of the trays without ceremony. Arhys strode to the bedside and stared down at his wife, his face bleak. The demon looked back, but said nothing.

Ista hoped that wasn't Cattilara's longing leaking into in its eyes. Then she wondered if her own eyes had looked like that, resting on him. "Is she awake?" Arhys flexed his hand in puzzlement. "How then do I . . . ?" "Cattilara sleeps," Ista told him. "We gave her demon access to her mouth, that it might speak. Which it has." "What's arrived out there, Arhys?" demanded Illvin.

He alternated downing bites of meat wrapped in bread and swallowing gulps of cold tea with being dressed by his groom. "About fifteen hundred Jokonan soldiers, my scouts estimate. Five hundred in each column. My two scouts who made it back, that is. Since the ring of besiegers is now closed around Porifors, I despair of the other dozen

